02 February 2009

Happy Niu Year

Well the CNY holidays have come and gone once again... Now it is the long stretch till June... Lets see what did I get up to?

Met up with friends, got licked by Jersey, ate and ate, got my yearly bonus, met relatives for the once a year chat... ate some more.... I am officially addicted to any cookie and cake.... I know it is not good for the waist line but well I only live once... Oh I had to con Jersey to eat his medication every morning... He has acquired a liking for sukiyaki beef...

Okay think age is catching up at last- I can't cope with the lack of sleep... In order to maximize utility I travel out of PVG at 0010 and it is a 5 hour flight... Hence I arrive in SIN just after 0500 and that means realistically 4 hours of sleep then I hit the ground running for a full on day which is very tiring.... I leave on the last plane out of SIN at 1705 and arrive just after 2200 in PVG and by the time I get back to my apartment it is closer to midnight... Today is a full day of school... So there you go.... what to do??? All for a holiday....

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